2-3 zucchini ▢1 1/2 cup Panko bread crumbs ▢1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese ▢1/2 tsp basil ▢1/2 tsp Oregano ▢1 tsp garlic salt (with parsley flakes) ▢2 eggs ▢olive oil spray


Step - 1

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. After trimming the zucchini ends, halve the fruit, and then slice it into segments. After rinsing, dry.  

Basil, oregano and garlic salt should be combined in a large Ziploc container. Mix.  

Step - 2

Combine the eggs with a whisk in a basin. After thoroughly coating 5–6 zucchini segments in the eggs, place them in a Ziploc bag and shake to ensure that they are thoroughly coated.  

Step - 3

Place the crusted sticks on a cookie sheet lined with foil. Proceed to Step 3, placing each completed zucchini on the designated cookie tray.  

Step - 4

After 16 to 20 minutes, bake the panko until it has turned golden brown, using olive oil spray. Ranch or Marinara sauce may be used to complement the heated dish.  

Step - 5

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