▢3 boneless, skinless chicken breast ▢1 TB vegetable oil ▢2 TB grated Parmesan cheese ▢2 TB Hidden Valley Ranch Dip Mix ▢salt and pepper to taste


Step - 1

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  

To prepare vegetables, stuff them into a gallon bag. Combine with salt and pepper, oil, Parmesan cheese, and Hidden Valley Ranch mix. Stir the vegetables until thoroughly coated.  

Step - 2

Ensure that there is space in the center of the foil-lined or greased sheet pan for the chicken before adding the vegetables.  

Step - 3

To prepare the poultry, place it in a gallon bag. Combine with salt and pepper, oil, Parmesan cheese, and Hidden Valley Ranch mix. Shake the chicken until it is thoroughly coated.    

Step - 4

Bake the chicken for 35 to 40 minutes, or until a meat thermometer registers 170 degrees, on a sheet pan. Warmly serve, and enjoy.  

Step - 5

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