16.5 oz chocolate chip cookie dough refrigerated roll ▢1 can vanilla frosting ▢orange food coloring ▢1 cup Reese’s Pieces ▢1 cup Rolos chopped ▢Chocolate syrup


Step - 1

Start by bringing the cookie roll to room temperature in the oven.  

Prepare a substantial jelly roll pan by lining it with parchment paper.  

Step - 2

Remove cookie dough from its packaging and assemble with a press. Roll out into a circle with a thickness of approximately 0.5 inches. 14 to 16 minutes, or until golden brown in color.  

Step - 3

Allow the cookie to settle.  

Step - 4

Apply orange (or any other color) frosting to the cookie.  

Step - 5

Add sliced Rolls and Reese's Pieces to the top. Apply chocolate syrup as a drizzle. 

Step - 6

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