1⅓ cups sugar ▢⅔ cup cocoa ▢⅓ cup cornstarch ▢pinch salt ▢4½ cups 2% milk, or higher ▢3 tablespoons butter ▢1 teaspoon vanilla


Step - 1

Whisk together the sugar, cocoa, cornstarch, and salt in a medium basin.  

Combine with chilled milk using a whisk. Pour this mixture into a medium saucepan and cook, whisking constantly, over medium heat until the mixture reaches a simmer .

Step - 2

Remove from heat and whisk in the butter and vanilla after one minute.  

Step - 3

After 20 minutes of cooling, cover the surface of the pudding with plastic wrap to prevent the formation of a crust.  

Step - 4

Chill the pudding until it is ready to be served.  

Step - 5

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