2 (3.29-ounce) bags plain popcorn ▢¾ cup butter ▢⅓ cup white Karo Syrup ▢1½ cup brown sugar ▢¾ teaspoon salt ▢¾ teaspoon baking soda


Step - 1

Prepare and transfer the popcorn to a large receptacle. Ensure that every unpropped kernel is removed.  

In a microwave-safe receptacle of medium size, combine the butter, brown sugar, syrup, and salt. Two minutes of microwave heating is required.  

Step - 2

Baking soda should be added to the liquefied ingredients. It will cause the mixture to froth. Stir thoroughly.  

Step - 3

Gently combine the popcorn and pour the mixture in order to saturate each piece uniformly. After one minute in the microwave, stir the popcorn that has been coated.  

Step - 4

Re-heat the item in the microwave for an additional minute. For additional crunchiness, preheat the popcorn for an additional minute. After the popcorn has cooled, savor it.  

Step - 5

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