⅔ cup sugar ▢1 teaspoon cinnamon ▢¼ teaspoon salt ▢1 egg white ▢1 tablespoon vanilla extract ▢1 pound pecans halves


Step - 1

Using parchment paper, line a baking sheet with the oven preheated to 250°F.  

Whisk together sugar, cinnamon, and salt in a small basin.  

Step - 2

Separately, whisk the egg white and vanilla in a medium-sized basin until frothy.  

Step - 3

After incorporating the hazelnuts into the egg froth, incorporate the sugar mixture. Toss until crusted uniformly.  

Step - 4

Coat the pecans and distribute them evenly across the baking sheet. Bake for one hour, or until uniformly browned. Stir the ingredients every 15 to 20 minutes.  

Step - 5

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