1 tube pizza crust refrigerated ▢1 tbsp olive oil ▢7-8 eggs ▢6 slices bacon ▢1 cup Monterrey jack cheese shredded ▢1 cup cheddar cheese shredded


Step - 1

Preheating the oven to 400 degrees.  

Place the unrolled crust into a baking dish that has been greased. Brush and distribute with olive oil. After piercing the dough with a skewer, bake for seven to eight minutes.  

Step - 2

As the pastry bakes, brown the bacon in a skillet. After the bacon has cooked, remove it from the pan while reserving the oil. Bacon, diced, is set aside.  

Step - 3

In a basin, combine the eggs using a whisk. Cook the mixture in a greased pan until tender.  

Step - 4

After spooning eggs over the crust, garnish with bacon and cheddar. Bake for an additional 4-5 minutes. Keep toasty.  

Step - 5

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